Preparativos importantes para una mudanza internacional

When you make a move as big as international moving, there will be quite a few things you will need to consider that you never have to worry about when moving locally, or even between states. There will be differences in how you ship your things from your current residence to your new international residence. There will also be some differences in the paperwork that you need to provide to establish residency. International moving may have different requirements depending on what country you are moving to, but most of the things that you will need to have squared away will fall under the same categories with only slight variations in specifics. This is your quick guide to some of the major things you will need to do when you make the big move to an entirely new country.  

Important Legal Documents – Before moving internationally, you should research exactly what documents you will need to have when you arrive in your new homeland. There is a plethora of documents to consider, many of which would be necessary no matter where you move. Some of these documents that you will need when moving internationally include your birth certificate, adoption/child custody paperwork, marriage certificate or divorce papers, driver’s license, medical and dental records, school records such as college degrees and your high school diploma, passport, financial records, insurance paperwork, and any other travel documents required by the specific country you are moving to. 

Pet supplies and paperwork – Surely you would never want to move anywhere without your beloved companion by your side. If you are moving with a pet, there are some necessary steps you will need to take ahead of time to make sure that your four-legged friend is cleared for travel. First, you should plan a visit to your pet’s veterinarian to make sure your furry friend is up to date on all their immunizations, and that you have proper documentation for all of them, including an international health certificate. You will also want to verify your new country’s requirements for bringing an animal into the country. Some countries have limitations on what animals can be brought in from overseas, and others simply require certain documents that you will need to prepare ahead of time. Lastly, make sure you secure an IATA-approved travel carrier for your pet to ensure there are no issues that come up at the airport on the day of your big move.  

Notify the proper entities of your move – You will need to let a few agencies know about your move that you would not normally have to think about when moving withing the country. You will need to inform all the normal people in your life such as friends, family, your employer, the bank, postal service, etc. You will also have to notify the United States Embassy, the IRS and the tax agency of your new country, the Social Security Administration, and any insurance providers you are enrolled with. You should also cancel any subscriptions or insurance plans that will no longer be applicable to you once you move. 

Contratar una empresa de mudanzas internacionales – Contact the international moving company you would like to work with and talk through everything with them. Talk to them about packing, storage, shipping, and contract options. Once you have everything sorted out with them, set up your appointments for when they will come to pick everything up to ship. Typically, international moving companies will also do an in-home survey with you at some point during the process to determine what things can and cannot be moved and how to best go about packing for the big day. 


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