Moving with Pets– Wherever you go, your furry friends will surely be along for the ride. For many people, their pets are like their children. And just like children, sometimes our lovable companions can be a handful, especially during a stressful event that shakes up their routine such as a move. Moving is difficult enough when you do not have to worry about how your pets will handle it, but when you have their needs to consider, it is worth remembering that as stressful as moving is for us as human beings who understand what is going on, things are even more confusing for our animals. So, what can you do to help your pets feel calm and at ease during the moving experience?
If you live within a reasonable distance of where you are moving to, and your pet handles car rides well, try packing them up in the car and taking them on a little trip to the new property. Do this a few times so your pet becomes used to the drive, and the scenery becomes familiar to them. Animals are easily stressed out in unfamiliar situations, so creating a sense of familiarity will help ease their nerves. If possible, see if you can even bring them inside the new place so they can form good associations with their new surroundings.
El CBD está de moda. Muchas empresas incluso fabrican golosinas de CBD específicas para animales. Los efectos calmantes del CBD pueden adormecer a tu amigo de cuatro patas de forma natural e inofensiva. Dale la dosis recomendada en el envase una hora antes de salir a la carretera, y se acurrucará en el asiento y se echará una siesta reparadora. Si desconfía de que el CBD sea nuevo en el mercado, también puede preguntar a su veterinario por un medicamento calmante que puede conseguir sólo para el momento de la mudanza. Mucha gente da a sus mascotas medicamentos para mantenerlas tranquilas en viajes largos en coche, visitas al veterinario, a la peluquería, etc., así que puedes estar seguro de que cualquier cosa que te recete tu veterinario será segura para tu amigo peludo. Como con cualquier medicamento, asegúrese de seguir las instrucciones del veterinario cuando se lo administre a su mascota.
Another technique to help ease your pet’s nerves during the en movimiento experience is to surround them with items that have both their scent and yours. Animals have incredible senses of smell, which plays a huge part in how they relate to their surroundings and recognize familiar places, items, animals, and people. Your pet will feel at ease if they know you are close by, so in addition to their own pet bed, blankets, and toys, put a sweater or blanket that has your scent on it in the area of the vehicle your pet will be riding in. This will help remind them that you are right there with them while you are too focused on driving to actively give them attention. If possible, put some of their items in the new living space before the big move. That way, when they arrive, they will already be welcomed into this new place by familiar sights and smells. When it comes to animals, home is where the smell is.
Si quiere una forma segura de calmar a su mascota antes de una gran mudanza, tenga una rigurosa sesión de juegos con ella antes de salir. Jugar con su mascota hasta que se canse aumentará la probabilidad de que se tumbe en el coche y se eche una larga siesta mientras usted conduce. Sacar el exceso de energía de su mascota reducirá su nerviosismo durante el viaje. El tiempo de juego que necesite dependerá de la personalidad y el nivel de energía de su mascota, pero entre media hora y una hora de juego suele bastar para que se canse. Además, darles un juguete para mantenerlos mentalmente preocupados mientras están en el coche les dará una salida para su ansiedad si empiezan a ponerse nerviosos durante el proceso de mudanza. Muchos animales alivian el estrés masticando o lamiendo, así que asegúrese de proporcionarles su juguete favorito para que se concentren en él en lugar de en el ajetreo de la mudanza.