Fairfax Station, VA Movers

Our award-winning service speaks for itself. Choose Star Moving Solutions as your moving company in Fairfax Station, VA.

Moving & Storage in
Fairfax Station, VA

Star Movers International is pleased to have you visit our location in Fairfax Station, Virginia. Since our doors first opened in 1998, we have made it our mission to provide top rate moving services with a focus on satisfied clients. Dependable and well-seasoned, our staff has been in the moving and storage industry for an average of 10 years.

Our company’s many honors attest to our exceptional performance. Agent of the Month for September 2021, National Account Agent of the Year, New Agent of the Year, Corporate Agent of the Year, Ace’s Award Recipient, and Angie’s List Recognition are just a few of the awards that Arpin has bestowed upon us. With an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and two awards under our belts (Quality Award in 2020 and Bronze Hauling Award in 2021), we are the best when it comes to moving your prized possessions.

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Providing Stellar Moving Solutions
To Fairfax Station, VA

Our company’s many honors attest to our exceptional performance. Agent of the Month for September 2021, National Account Agent of the Year, New Agent of the Year, Corporate Agent of the Year, Ace’s Award Recipient, and Angie’s List Recognition are just a few of the awards that Arpin has bestowed upon us. With an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and two awards under our belts (Quality Award in 2020 and Bronze Hauling Award in 2021), we are the best when it comes to moving your prized possessions.

Our service is unique in its high quality. Because of our extensive experience in international freight forwarding, we can manage the shipment of any unique item, whether it’s a vehicle, artwork, or commodity. Your belongings will be secure in one of our climate-controlled storage units.

Star International Movers in Fairfax Station can help with any long-distance move. Because of the fluency in more than one language within our Move Management team, we can communicate effectively with international customers and vendors.

Comenzamos el proceso con un presupuesto de mudanza a domicilio GRATUITO y sin compromiso.

Esta estimación en el hogar se asegurará de que todos los aspectos de la mudanza se observan y asegurar una estimación precisa del costo de la mudanza y el tiempo. Un representante de STAR se desplazará a su domicilio para evaluar el peso y las dimensiones finales de los objetos que deben ser trasladados. Una vez determinado el peso y el tamaño, STAR le proporcionará un presupuesto para el servicio puerta a puerta.

Solicitar presupuesto

Póngase en contacto con nosotros para una consulta a domicilio gratuita y sin compromiso.


Denise P

It was a pleasure working with you guys Very friendly very professional I was very happy with the service Will recommend to others

johnathan h

The crew was prompt, professional, and easy to work with to ensure an efficient move. Thank you for a stress free experience.

Chevas W

***** and his crew were absolute Professionals!!! We highly recommend them to deliver your house hold goods!!!

Preguntas frecuentes

Mejor empresa de mudanzas northern va

Los equipos de mudanzas de STAR están formados en su totalidad por profesionales de la mudanza con experiencia. Todos nuestros movers y los conductores son fondo comprobado, droga investigado, entrenado, y certificado.

No se preocupe. El personal de mudanzas de STAR está formado para utilizar técnicas de embalaje especializadas con el fin de embalar, transportar y desembalar sus cosas de forma segura. No tendrá que preocuparse de embalar y desembalar cuando elija a Star para su mudanza.

¡Si! Star Moving Solutions ofrece presupuestos gratuitos y sin compromiso a domicilio para nuestros clientes de mudanzas.

El tiempo que tardarán las cuadrillas certificadas de mudanzas de STAR en embalar, transportar y desembalar sus cosas dependerá de diversos factores, como la distancia de la mudanza, el número de artículos que posea, el tamaño de los mismos y mucho más. Póngase en contacto con nosotros directamente para hablar de sus necesidades individuales.

Dado que cada mudanza y la situación de cada cliente es diferente, no podemos dar un presupuesto genérico sobre el coste de los trabajos de mudanza. Póngase en contacto con nosotros directamente para programar un presupuesto gratuito y obtener un presupuesto exacto.


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